84% of players want this feature added to Helldivers 2

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Posted Wednesday, July 3 2024

Arrowhead has been actively listening to the community and addressing player frustrations. Almost 90% of players think the changes made in Patch 400 were good.

Arrowhead has recently been engaging with the community through multiple polls on the official Helldivers 2 Discord, attempting to gauge how players feel about recent changes in the game.

This time, they’re taking a proactive approach, seeking community feedback on the potential addition of a new feature.

The proposed feature would allow players to use Stims at full health to replenish their Stamina. having this on higher difficulties, especially against Terminids, would be extremely helpful.

According to results from a poll on the official Helldivers 2 Discord, where 30,144 players voted:

84% voted Yes
16% voted No