MalzaharCounter for MidPatch 14.24
![Malzahar's Passive: Void Shift](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/passive/Malzahar_Passive.webp)
![Malzahar's Q: Call of the Void](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharQ.webp)
![Malzahar's W: Void Swarm](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharW.webp)
![Malzahar's E: Malefic Visions](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharE.webp)
![Malzahar's R: Nether Grasp](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharR.webp)
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Mid Lane champion who counters Malzahar. Win Champion Select with Malz counters for
LoL S14 Patch 14.24. Main Role Order: Mid Lane > Top Lane > Support > ADC > Jungle
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Mid Lane champion who counters Malzahar. Win Champion Select with Malz counters for
LoL S14 Patch 14.24. Main Role Order: Mid Lane > Top Lane > Support > ADC > Jungle
Ranked Solo
Best Picks vs Malzahar
These picks are strong against Malzahar at many stages of the game. Champs listed by highest win rate matchups vs Malzahar in World Emerald +.
Worst Picks vs Malzahar
These picks are weak against Malzahar at many stages of the game. Champs listed by lowest win rate matchups vs Malzahar in World Emerald +.
Best Lane Counters vs Malzahar
These picks counter Malzahar during early game laning phase. Highest gold differential at 15 (GD@15) vs Malzahar in World Emerald +.
Playing vs Malzahar
1 min read
Winning Matchup
Malzahar can only easily engage when he has Flash up. Be aware of when Malzahar does not have Flash because it drastically reduces his kill pressure. You can play more aggressively during this time to counter Malzahar.
Quicksilver Sash is a great item to counter Malzahar, especially if you're ahead. The Magic Resist is helpful, and you can use the active to get out of Malzahar's ult, denying him a kill.
Malzahar wants to pick off a priority target in teamfights. Due to his limited mobility, make it difficult for him to get to your backline priority targets. Malzahar is countered when his
and full rotation of spells is used on a tank.
![Nether Grasp](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharR.png)
Losing Matchup
Malzahar clears waves extremely fast with his
. You can try to counter Malzahar's waveclear by killing his voidlings as they spawn, especially if you have some AEO ability to kill multiple at a time. Without the voidlings, Malzahar has to overextend in order to farm.
![Void Swarm](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharW.png)
![Malefic Visions](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharE.png)
will bounce to you if you are too close to the wave. Be careful of standing too close to the wave and taking unnecessary free damage. You want to be fully healthy so that Malzahar can't all-in you at Level 6.
![Malefic Visions](https://static.bigbrain.gg/assets/lol/riot_static/14.24.1/img/spell/MalzaharE.png)
Malzahar's passive spell shield, instant wave clear and safe playstyle makes him difficult to gank. Malzahar is countered by your mobility. Look to roam and make plays in your other lanes if you can't get a solo kill.