Kassadin Counter for MidPatch 14.18
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Mid Lane champion who counters Kassadin. Win Champion Select with Kassadin counters for
LoL S14 Patch 14.18. Main Role Order: Mid Lane > Top Lane > Support > Jungle > ADC
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Mid Lane champion who counters Kassadin. Win Champion Select with Kassadin counters for
LoL S14 Patch 14.18. Main Role Order: Mid Lane > Top Lane > Support > Jungle > ADC
Emerald +
Ranked Solo
Emerald +
Ranked Solo
Best Picks vs Kassadin
These picks are strong against Kassadin at many stages of the game. Champs listed by highest win rate matchups vs Kassadin in World Emerald +.
Worst Picks vs Kassadin
These picks are weak against Kassadin at many stages of the game. Champs listed by lowest win rate matchups vs Kassadin in World Emerald +.
Best Lane Counters vs Kassadin
These picks counter Kassadin during early game laning phase. Highest gold differential at 15 (GD@15) vs Kassadin in World Emerald +.
Playing vs Kassadin
1 min read
Winning Matchup
A good Kassadin will time his you to deal damage to you, as well as block your magic damage with the resulting shield. Counter Kass by pushing the wave and forcing him to use to farm. You can poke him when his Q is down.
Before Kassadin reaches Level 6, he has no mobility. If you are able to freeze the wave on your side of the river, Kassadin has to overextend to farm and makes for an easy gank.
If Kassadin did not take Fleet Footwork, it makes it very hard for him to sustain in lane. You can counter Kassadin by poking him out of lane and delaying how quickly he can scale.
Losing Matchup
Late game Kassadin is a monster. But even in the late game, Kass is countered by hard cc. Kassadin's tankiness comes from healing when he does damage to champions. CC and burst him early to win the fight.
Kassadin is extremely mobile after he has his ult and has stacked mana items. Counter Kass when he roams by quickly shoving waves or taking a different objective. Also be careful of overextending if you are pushing a side wave.
Exhaust is the best Kass counter. If you think your team will have trouble against a late game Kass, make sure to take Exhaust over Ignite or Heal. Exhaust gives you a chance to kill Kass and win the fight.