Graves Counter for JunglePatch 14.18
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Jungle champion who counters Graves. Win Champion Select with Graves counters for
LoL S14 Patch 14.18. Main Role Order: Jungle > Mid Lane > Top Lane > ADC > Support
Use win rate and GD15 to find the best Jungle champion who counters Graves. Win Champion Select with Graves counters for
LoL S14 Patch 14.18. Main Role Order: Jungle > Mid Lane > Top Lane > ADC > Support
Emerald +
Ranked Solo
Emerald +
Ranked Solo
Best Picks vs Graves
These picks are strong against Graves at many stages of the game. Champs listed by highest win rate matchups vs Graves in World Emerald +.
Worst Picks vs Graves
These picks are weak against Graves at many stages of the game. Champs listed by lowest win rate matchups vs Graves in World Emerald +.
Best Lane Counters vs Graves
These picks counter Graves during early game laning phase. Highest gold differential at 15 (GD@15) vs Graves in World Emerald +.
Playing vs Graves
1 min read
Winning Matchup
Despite his burst, Graves really shines in extended fights where he can build up passive True Grit stacks and tank your team's damage by healing through his auto attacks. Counter Graves by bursting him early in the fight.
Executioner's Calling is a fantastic Graves counter. This is especially true if Graves builds towards Death's Dance or other lifesteal items. The completed Mortal Reminder is also great against Graves' passive.
Graves clears extremely fast. Make sure he does not get both scuttle crabs. If you can duel him, make sure to contest the first scuttle. If you can't duel him, try to start on the opposite side of the jungle and trade scuttle crabs.
Losing Matchup
Graves clears extremely fast. Try to clear your wraiths in the first pass through your jungle to counter Graves' ability to counter jungle you and set you behind.
Graves' auto attacks do not go through minions or other champions. If you keep a minion between you and Graves you can counter Graves' damage.
Graves is countered by pink wards. It takes Graves forever to Auto Attack 4 times, especially early game. Spotting out Graves in this way makes it easy to track his movement, and delays his jungle clear.