Set 13 Trundle (TFT)Everything you need for Set 13 Trundle, from synergies and stats to ability description and mana cost, with U.GG. Patch 13.6
Cost: 1
Armor: 40
Range: 1
Health: 650 / 1170 / 2106
MR: 40
Attack Speed: 1
Mana: 30 / 90
Damage: 50 / 90 / 162
Crit Rate: 25%
DPS: 76.92 / 138.46 / 138.46
Desperate ChompActive ability
Heal ???? and chomp target for ?? physical damage. Both effects are increased by up to 75% based on Trundle's missing Health.
Combat start: Components held by Scrap units temporarily turn into full items. Scrap units gain Shield for 20 seconds for each component held by your team, including those that make up a full item.
(2) 1 component, 25 Shield
(4) 3 components, 35 Shield
(6) All components, and full items become lucky! 50 Shield
(9) Generate Radiant items! 60 Shield
Shield Amount: @TFTUnitProperty.:TFT13_Trait_Scrap_ShieldTotal@
Your team gains 100 max Health. Bruisers gain more.
(@MinUnits@) 80.0% 
Your team gains 100 max Health. Bruisers gain more.
(2) 20.0% 
Your team gains 100 max Health. Bruisers gain more.
(4) 45.0% 
Your team gains 100 max Health. Bruisers gain more.
(6) 80.0% 

Your team gains 100 max Health. Bruisers gain more.

Your team gains 100 max Health. Bruisers gain more.