The next Helldivers 2 Warbond Viper Commando adds a crazy new weapon

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Posted Friday, June 7 2024

The latest Warbond, Viper Commandos, was announced Thursday and is scheduled for release on Thursday, June 13th. Many players are also eagerly awaiting the upcoming patch, hoping to see significant changes to the game’s weapon balance. This new Warbond promises exciting additions to the game, including vehicle camo patterns allowing for further customization, two weapons (including a crazy shotgun secondary), two armors, and an awesome throwing knife.

This announcement includes a statement addressing the frequency, quality, and quantity of future Warbonds. “Viper Commandos” marks the fifth premium Warbond since the game’s launch. Feedback from an official poll revealed that most players did not like the previous Warbond, and as a result Arrowhead is implementing changes.

“Firstly, we have been listening to your feedback as we develop our Warbonds in general. The idea behind each Warbond is to allow our Helldivers to roleplay their favorite soldier fantasies within our universe, but it’s important that these are fantasies that actually appeal to our players. 

Based on player input, we’re changing our approach to Warbonds moving forward in a couple of ways. Firstly, we’re slowing down the pace at which we release Warbonds to give us a little bit more time to polish these designs before they’re released. We don’t want to rush anything out of the oven before it’s fully baked.

Secondly, we are changing the arrangement of items in each Warbond to make room for new item types, and also higher quality armor and weapons. This will prevent us from simply adding more of everything, which can lead to weapons that feel redundant and uninteresting armor. It’s time to focus on quality over quantity.When we started researching items for Viper Commandos, we wanted to be sure we answered our player calls for stronger theming that coordinates across all the items, more emotes, unique armor passives, and more thoughtful designs rather than simply giving more of the same. We can’t wait for players to get a hold our latest addition, so let’s dive into what’s in store.”

– Baskinator, an Arrowhead Game Studios Community Manager via the PlayStation Blog


New Weapons

AR-23A Liberator Carbine

The new Warbond promises two new weapons, beginning with the AR-23A Liberator Carbine. This version of the classic Liberator features higher recoil but improved handling, more akin to an SMG.

SG-22 Bushwhacker

The second weapon is a triple-barreled shotgun, the SG-22 Bushwhacker. This new secondary will probably perform as an excellent last-resort option against Terminids charging at you after your primary ammo pool is depleted.

Throwing Knife

A new and interesting utility is the Throwing Knife, which will replace your grenades, but who needs grenades when you’re skewering Terminids for fun?

“One of my things in Viper Commandos is our new utility item: the throwing knife. Imagine mowing down a crowd of Terminids and running out of ammo with only one bug remaining, no time to reload, so you dive backward and throw a hunting knife into its carapace right before it descends on you.”

– Baskinator, an Arrowhead Game Studios Community Manager via the PlayStation Blog

New Armor Sets

There are two new distinct armors. The PH-9 Predator, which features a fashionable red beret, and the heavier PH-202 Twigsnapper. Notably, both armors come equipped with the new armor passive “Peak Physique“.

“Both armors in this Warbond feature the Peak Physique passive, which improves melee damage and weapon handling. They both also feature bare arms (and bulging biceps, with a variety of randomized skin tones) to keep you sweat-free when diving in the humid atmosphere.”

– Helldivers 2 Vipers Commando Announcement on the official PlayStation Blog

Boosters and Cosmetics

In addition to the weapons, armors, and throwing knives, the Warbond includes a new Booster named “Experimental Infusion.” Upon activating a stim, this booster grants players a temporary increase in movement speed and damage reduction.

Cosmetic offerings include two new capes, three stylish victory poses, a fancy “Viper Commando” title, two player banners, camo patterns for your Shuttle, Hellpod and Exosuits, and the usual allotment of 300 super credits.