Helldive and Super Helldive difficulty require the strategic use of cooldowns for essential Stratagems, making it crucial to utilize every piece of your loadout.
The Commando can make short work of Hulks. Combined with Stun Grenades and its laser-guided missiles, it’s almost a guaranteed kill. The Commando can also dispatch tanks with ease, though if it’s on cooldown, you can sub it out for the Orbital Precision Strike or Eagle Airstrike.
The Eagle Airstrike is perfect for clearing bot outposts, waves of Heavy Devastators, and heavily damaging Factory Striders.
The Punisher Plasma released with the Cutting Edge Warbond, it is one of the most effective anti-bot weapons out there, and our personal favorite choice for dealing with Striders and Devastators.
The Punisher Plasma fires an arced shot of plasma that explodes on impact. This explosive can stun lock Devastators as well as go around the heavy front plate armor of Striders, killing the rider.
Core Stratagems
Cost: 8,000, Unlocked at Level 15.
Equipped with four rockets, the Commando is a powerful laser-guided anti-tank rocket launcher that can easily destroy many of the Automaton’s armored units and buildings.
A single rocket can down a Gunship by aiming at a thruster, making it one of the more effective Support Weapons for engaging them. Dropships, on the other hand, require two shots to any one of their thrusters.
Hulks can be taken down with a single, careful shot to their eye.
Automaton Tanks can Cannon Turrets can be eliminated with 2-3 hits to the side or vents. However, a tank will require all 4 shots if you’re shooting the heavily armored frontside.
Unlike the Recoilless Rifle, it doesn’t require a backpack, offering more flexibility.
Cost: 10,000, Unlocked at Level 15.
The Orbital Laser is an incredibly powerful stratagem, though you’re only allowed 3 uses per game, and it is on a significant cooldown.
It will effortlessly slice through a field of enemies. It’s a “Throw and forget” kind of stratagem, as the targeting is handled automatically as the laser travels enemy-to-enemy. It’s capable of taking out bug holes and fabricators, as well as heavies such as the Titan, Hulk and Impaler.
Recommended Stratagems
Cost: 4,000, Unlocked at Level 2.
The Eagle Airstrike is one of the most popular Eagle Stratagems in the game and is effective against every enemy you will come across including Tanks, Hulks, Fabricators, Bunkers, and side objectives such as the Mortar Nest. Landing an Eagle Airstrike at the right angle can instantly kill a Hulk, Tank, and will deal a decent amount of damage to the Factory Strider. It is also good at clearing out waves of lighter enemies.
- 2 uses per rearm
- 15s cooldown