It’s absolutely imperative to have anti-armor Stratagems in your loadout, so how about an entire build dedicated to destroying armor?
Recommended Weapon
Once dismissed as a liability (and one of the worst weapons in the game), the Purifier has earned its place among Helldiver arsenals. Utilize its charge attack to take out clusters of grouped enemies, or rapid-fire magdump single targets such as Devastators and Berserkers.
Core Stratagems
Cost: 9,000, Unlocked at Level 20.
Calls down a homing missile launcher and an accompanying ammo backpack, which can be worn by the user or an ally.
If an ally wears the backpack, they can use the team reload system to rapidly reload the launcher, allowing the team to send a large amount of firepower down range in a short amount of time.
Fires the strongest anti-tank rocket among support weapons, though it requires you to lock-on to the target. It can only be used against heavily armored enemies, vehicles, and Automaton structures.
The Spear is highly effective against Automatons. It can destroy nearly any unit or building, including Hulks, Tanks, Cannon Turrets, and side objective in a single shot.
Cost: 3,000, Unlocked at Level 3.
Calls down two disposable rocket launchers that are capable of killing Chargers, Bile Titans, and Hulks with an accurate headshot. One major advantage is that it does not require an ammunition backpack, allowing you to still wear a Shield, Jump, or Supply pack.
While it does less damage than other anti-tank weapons, you can quickly fire the first launcher and pick up and fire the second launcher without the need for reloading.
Its low cooldown time allows you to call down an additional two launchers every minute. We recommend calling down 2-4 launchers before starting an objective, allowing you to quickly cycle through them as threats arrive.
Recommended Stratagems